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Blood On The Asphalt A Tale Of Teens Street Gangs And Power

Blood on the Asphalt: A Tale of Teens, Street Gangs, and Power

Official Trailer Now Available with English Subtitles


As parents grapple with the daily struggles of survival, teenagers turn to the streets for solace and empowerment. Against the backdrop of the Kazan phenomenon, a surge in youth gangs during the late 1980s, Blood on the Asphalt unfolds a gripping narrative.

In the twilight of the Soviet Union's reign, as perestroika reshaped the nation, a new era emerged on the streets. Driven by desperation and a thirst for control, teenagers forged alliances and battled for supremacy over the asphalt.

With this gripping trailer, Blood on the Asphalt sets the stage for an unforgettable journey into the heart of youth gangs. The English subtitles provide accessibility to viewers around the world, ensuring that the message of this powerful story resonates far and wide.
