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The Apprentice Donald Trump Film Soll Noch Vor Der Us Wahl In Die Kinos Kommen

The Apprentice Movie Release Before US Election

Speculation Surrounds Release of Trump-Centric Film

Political Agenda or Box Office Success?

An upcoming film centered around Donald Trump's time on the reality television show "The Apprentice" is set to hit theaters shortly before the 2020 US presidential election.

The movie, titled simply "The Apprentice," has been shrouded in speculation since its announcement. Some believe it is a thinly veiled attempt to influence the election in Trump's favor. Others see it as a cynical cash grab by the film's producers.

Regardless of the motives behind its release, "The Apprentice" is sure to generate significant buzz in the lead-up to the election. It remains to be seen whether the film will ultimately help or hinder Trump's chances of re-election.

The Film's Producers

The Apprentice is produced by Unanimous Media, a company founded by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. Kushner is also a senior advisor to the president. This connection has led to accusations that the film is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to boost Trump's re-election campaign.

However, Unanimous Media has denied any political motivation behind the film. The company claims that it is simply a "celebration of Trump's business acumen." This explanation has been met with skepticism by many.

The Film's Release Date

The Apprentice is set to be released on September 25, 2020. This date is just two weeks before the US presidential election. The timing of the release has led to speculation that the film is intended to influence the election.

Unanimous Media has denied that the release date was chosen for political reasons. The company claims that it was simply the earliest date available for the film's release.

The Film's Impact on the Election

It is difficult to predict what impact The Apprentice will have on the 2020 US presidential election. The film could potentially help Trump by reminding voters of his business experience. However, it could also backfire by alienating voters who are turned off by Trump's personality or policies.

Ultimately, the film's impact on the election will likely depend on how it is received by the public. If the film is seen as a fair and accurate portrayal of Trump's time on The Apprentice, it could help him win re-election.
